
$PEELZStake your NFTs to earn tokens used for everything
in the Zungle! Currently only Monkeez can be staked
for $MNKZ

GamesSpend your hard earned MNKZ on some items in the
Zungle Item Shop! Use these items to level your
Zoogz or combine them to make craftable

DAOBattle your Zoogz against each other, PVP style for
MNKZ and earn GEMZ along the way! Zoogz compete by
comparing their leveled stats along with a 20 sided
dice roll to determine a winner.

Mad Lab
BuildBuild your own adventure! Build on top of your land
plots expanding further functionality and
interactability within the Zungle

HuntA gamified staking system where users send their Monkees on wild quests to earn $PEELZ. The riskier the hustle, the greater the reward.

BazaarA marketplace where users can trade Monkee loot, gear or collectibles using $PEELZ. This creates a vibrant, player-driven econonmy.

FortressBuild and upgrade a personal base for your Monkee tribe. Upgrades unlock bonuses for staking rewards, expedition success rates etc